Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February first week snow report

The following is the snow report (on tops of the boulders) for the first week of February:

"Poachable" rocks off I-90 between Rocker and Ramsay: Bare and dry--totally climbable

This is private land, but could easily be reconned with local assistance

Maud S Canyon: Bare and dry with trace snow on North facing features on top

Rock Resorts: Nearly dry tops on 50% of the boulders

Benchlands: Some snow on tops of all rocks, except those in large clusters--broomable

Tony's Tracks: Nearly dry tops on 50% of the boulders

West Tracks: Snow on top with some dry where heavily clustered--broomable

Desert: Snow on top in all areas, receding daily--broomable

Ringing Rocks: Not available at this time

Google Earth visual report:

I will update this report Friday afternoon--hopefully, predicted warmer temps and sun? will improve current reported condition.

edit: Photos will be included in the update...


TKingsbury said...

nice kev, hopefully we get some more sun and meltage in the next few days!

Dylan said...

Good update, Hutch!

Davin said...

We've got the melt here in Wyoming too. Once it's all dry I would be happy to trade a tour down here for a tour up there. Nice looking rock!

edejom said...

Davin, we'll put that in the planning--at the very least, it would be good for my small crew to go on a "Spring" road trip there:-)

TKingsbury said...

That'd be super fun in both respects!