Ron, Max and I met up with Kevin out in the Northern Aspens...which consequently really doesn't have many aspens...but it is north of the Aspens zone...It was yet another scoped but not yet climbed area. Kevin and the family spent the morning out there, so when we arrived Mojede gave us a tour of what he'd done so far and showed us the stuff that looked good to him. I was happily surprised at the amount of options, Kevin left us to do our thing and he went to go do the Easter thing...
Max on the FUPA Crack

After a bit of walking around, we figured we should mess around on this stuff...

Max on the FA of Off to the Races

Ron on another new line(not sure what he named this one

The roof crack turned out to be a bit contrived...still fun to mess around on though

The bottom has more kitty litter than we'd like, but it's still unique and still a project...

Ron on Nomadic Chronicles

I then took the fellas to this thing..but it was still we did a bit of prepping and called it a day...

Hope y'all are getting out too!
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