Tuesday, March 31, 2009

After a few different missions up to this hillside; specifically to try this roof project known as the 'grind house'...and to clean up its landing....

ie. moving a very large boulder blocking the exit, and removing a large down tree in the landing (which Tom got his finger chewed up pretty good by doing so...)

from an earlier attempt....

anyways...Tom and I went up there today...and unbelievably, i got it on the first go!!! i tried to set up the camera to video it, but it got messed up!!!

Here's second lap....although its sloppier!!! haha felt way more solid first go!

chicken wing scratches


We then walked down the hill alittle bit to meet up with Hutch and do some climbing near 'Sally'

Tom on a clean hand crack.....'she's a butte'

On top of another....

Tom then jumped on this cool mantle slab problem.....

and nearing the 'butte top-out jug'...not much bigger than that one!

Hutch then went for 'Sally'

and then did the 'she's a butte' also

usual suspects....

Tom then found us another sweet cruiser hand crack....

with a sweet 'downclimb'...gonna bump the 'granny hops' thread!

hutch on the same....

there's rocks in them hills.....



(reposted by TK)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cragging at the King & Queen

Busy weekend out in the Boulder Batholith...

South Face of the King...

Cruise Control

geometry of geology



Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Death Proof

this happened a few weeks ago now......but ill post it up anyways!

Tom, Hutch, and I finally got to try this thing!!!!

its a bit tall to boulder, as the landing drops out; but a pretty short rope thing.....kinda like the better half of 'double feature'......death-proof! a tarantino flick

you can damn near place all your gear before starting up the thing...although the green ended up getting in the way....and was placed on 'lead'.....on this 15' route.........lol

hutch, getting ready for action

tom trying to get inverted off the shitty hand/fist.....turned out to be a hand stack further back.....

and an above shot of me clipping pre situp



tape is good in butte

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grapevine, Grindhouse & Sally

More fun out in the backwaters

Pat on the FA of Grapevine

Grape Slab

The Grindhouse Project

The brother got through with a slight 'diet', soon to go...more pads and psyche is needed as the crux is pretty weird to spot...


Hope y'all have been getting out too...

